Restorative Dentistry – Litchfield Park, AZ

Natural-Looking Solutions for Damaged Teeth

Teeth are strong, but they can still become damaged over time. Decay is by far the most common reason for teeth that break down, but natural aging and physical injuries can also play a role. Regardless of how your teeth got chipped, cracked or broken down, Dr. Moreira at Litchfield Smiles has multiple options for you to consider. Furthermore, you can expect your restorative dentistry from our Litchfield Park, AZ dental team  to look and feel natural, giving you the confidence to show off your smile.

Why Choose Litchfield Smiles for Restorative Dentistry?


Materials Available


System In-House


Patient-Focused Care

Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are incredibly versatile because they can be used to restore and save teeth in many different ways. Not only are they fully customized to blend in with your smile and fit comfortably for many years, but they protect natural teeth that have been damaged by decay or injury and offer long-term support. For example, if your tooth has suffered from decay, we’ll gently remove it, reshape the tooth, then place a crown on top. If you’re suffering from dental discomfort, which could be from decay or from an old filling that needs to be replaced, a dental crown is a great option.

restorative dentistry Litchfield Smiles Litchfield Park, AZ

Tooth-Colored Fillings

Got a cavity in your tooth? There’s no need to settle for a silver filling if you don’t want to. Our dental office is happy to offer composite resin material if a filling needs to be replaced. This ensures that your tooth remains natural in appearance, protected from bacteria, and no longer fractures with regular use. In just one appointment, we can place a dental filling that lasts for up to 10 years, which is sure to give you confidence when chewing your favorite foods or smiling for a photo.