5 Best Tooth Replacement Options

5 Best Tooth Replacement Options

In the United States, less than half of adults have all of their permanent teeth. As people age, the likelihood of having at least one missing tooth.

Restoration of missing teeth

In the United States, less than half of adults have all of their permanent teeth. As people age, the likelihood of having at least one missing tooth. 

One of the most common reasons for tooth loss in adults is untreated tooth decay. Two-thirds of adults between 40 and 64 are missing at least one tooth. About 19% of adults over age 65 are edentulous, meaning they are missing all their natural teeth.

The best options available to you 

The best option for each person differs depending on their particular situation, budget, and overall dental health. Often, the restoration and replacement process begins with your general dentist.

Depending on your situation, you may need to consult with several specialists, such as your dentist, a specialist in restoring and replacing teeth, an oral surgeon, or a periodontist treating gum disease. 

Fortunately, there are several tooth replacement options available to you, including:

Dental implant

A dental implant is integrated into your natural bone, making it an ideal tooth replacement option for many people. Our dentist places an implant in your jaw during the procedure, replacing a natural tooth root. 

Implants are made of titanium, a biocompatible material used in many types of prosthetics, such as artificial joints. Once the implant is securely in place in the jawbone and has healed completely, a dental prosthesis is attached. 

Dental implants are a popular option for replacing one or more teeth lost due to periodontal disease, injury, or other dental health problems. 

Dental bridges

Dental bridges replace one or more missing teeth. They fill gaps in the smile and are held in place by abutment teeth located on either side of the gap. 

This bridge uses a metal or porcelain framework bonded to the back of the abutment teeth. Simply put, a fixed bridge fills the gap between one or more missing teeth.

Implanting a bridge usually involves several visits to the dentist, such as placing the implant, customizing the bridge, and placing the bridge in place of the missing teeth takes time.

However, once the bridge is in place, a dental bridge looks, feels, and functions like natural teeth, does not require removal for cleaning, and is usually much more cost-effective than a dental implant.


Dentists create these dentures from an acrylic base, which resembles your gums. The dentist then places natural-looking acrylic or porcelain teeth on the floor. 

Removable complete dentures are designed to replace an entire arch of missing teeth. They are an economical and non-invasive method of replacing teeth. 

Implant-supported dentures are overdentures attached to and supported by implants. Unlike regular dentures, which are supported by the gums, implant-supported dentures are connected to the implants, providing better support.

Implant-supported dentures are more potent than traditional dentures because they use implants for retention rather than adhesives to hold them in place. 

The implant support allows the denture to be shaped like a horseshoe, reducing the volume and opening the palate to create more room for the tongue and a better ability to taste food. Implant-supported dentures are stronger and do not require adhesive. 

Partial dentures

A partial denture replaces a small portion of missing teeth that look and function usually. They are a removable tooth replacement option that features your replacement tooth attached to a plastic base that matches the color of your gums.

Although partial dentures are excellent for chewing and aesthetics, they are much less durable than a dental implant or bridge and can be uncomfortable if worn for a long time.

Bonding and veneers

From broken teeth to chipped and cracked teeth, bonding helps complete your smile. For partially missing teeth, bonding is a long-term, not permanent, solution. It can usually last up to 10 years, depending on how extensive the procedure is, and only takes one visit to complete.

Another option for partially missing teeth is the application of porcelain veneers. Veneers are thin shells bonded to a tooth's front and customized to match or enhance your existing smile. With proper care, they can last for decades. 

Restorative Dentistry Experts in Litchfield Park, AZ

For many people, replacing their missing teeth without knowing the different options on the market is often a challenge. For those who know the possibilities, finding the best one to replace their teeth is often more complicated.  

In Litchfield Smiles, we seek to ensure that our patients have healthy, strong teeth that allow them to eat, smile, and speak confidently. While we always aim to preserve the patient's natural teeth, we often encounter situations where the dentist must extract and replace a damaged tooth.

To that end, our professionals have a wide range of missing tooth replacement options available for you. Visit our website or call us at (623) 935-5055 to schedule your appointment with us now. Finding the best one to replace their teeth is often more complicated for those who know the options. Finding the best one to replace their teeth is often more complex for those who know the possibilities usually replaces a small portion of missing teeth that look and function